
Showing posts with the label zinc

Material Flow Analysis (MFA) of zinc: static and dynamic model

Material Flow Analysis (MFA) of zinc: static and dynamic model For the elective course on Material Flow Analysis (MFA) theory, we were asked to perform a study case that combined accounting with dynamic stock modelling. I chose to look at zinc because initially I wanted to do a study on global future availability of zinc for my thesis but in the meanwhile I changed my mind. In the end I will do something related to EIOA which I think it's more relevant for my future as an industrial ecologist. For my study case I chose to do an accounting exercise for Europe in 2013 and a dynamic stock modelling until 2050. The chosen stocks were buildings and vehicles because they represent 84% of stock accumulation in society in Europe in 2013. To do the accounting, a lot of data gathering is involved and it is a "pharaonic" amount of work. In the end it is rewarding since you can really see where the zinc is going. But it required weeks of going through databases and understandi...