CO2 and job impacts related to fish consumption by households in Portugal

CO2 impacts from fish consumption in Portugal in 2011 using EIOA & Exiobase 3.0 Figure 1: From: Introduction The Environmental Input-Output Analysis (EIOA) course offers student the possibility for a deep-dive into this upcoming tool in the field of IE. Firstly introduced in the 70s by Nobel Laureate Wassily Leontief, this technique has been widely used within the field of IE to pursue some interesting analysis on the environmental impacts of economic activity. I am a big fan of this "complex"and sometimes "abstract" technique because I like to focus on macro interventions in terms of environmental policy analysis. EIOA has shaped my perspective of global CO2 emissions when reading for example Davis & Caldeira (2010) analysis on how global trade shapes CO2 emission pathways, Hertwich & Peters (2009) on the carbon footprint of nations, about the structural composition of CO2 emissions in...