European emission trades from the vehicle industry

European emission trades from the vehicle industry Mathieu Delpierre Introduction: Industrial Ecology is a new field that has been developed from 1980s and adopts an interdisciplinary approach (with engineering, social and environmental sciences) to tackle sustainable problems. Many techniques can be linked to it, such as LCA (Life Cycle Analysis), MFA (Mass Flow Analysis) and EIOA (Environmental Input-Output Analysis). Each of them considers specific aspects of sustainable problems, with its advantages and limits. Concerning EIOA, courses offer the possibility to students to get a deeper understanding of this tool, firstly developed by Nobel Laureate Wassily Leontief in 1970s. This technique, first developed for economic purposes, seeks – to put it simple – to understand the interactions between final demand and production. With time, this tool has also been used in environmental purposes or analysis and can nowadays answer important and interesting questions such as: “...